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The Art of Gift Wrapping

Beautiful wrapping has the power to elevate a simple token or gift into something which can heighten the sense of anticipation and reflect how much you care. Spending a little extra time to perfectly present or prepare your gift will be appreciated and valued by the recipient, making them feel extra special.

The wrapping of a gift is also an opportunity to further personalise a gift by adding details or decorations which will resonate with the person receiving the present. This does not have to mean a large investment because there are lots of inventive ways to utilise items you probably have around the house to enhance your wrapping solutions. I always keep any premium packaging from gifts which I receive to re-purpose for another occasion. Bits of ribbon, random buttons and even outgrown clothes could all have another life as gift embellishments and there are lots of ideas online to show you what is possible. When it comes to paper we use recycled sugar paper to create our wrapping papers. This means the paper can be retained and re-used (in the case of the fastidious un-wrapper) or easily recycled (if shredded by the enthusiastic un-wrapper).

Here are five of my embellishment favourites:

Velvet & charity shop brooch I like to look out for vintage ribbons and brooches in charity shops, markets and online. I love to rummage through my collection to find the best match for the recipient when I have a present to give. Even better if the brooch still functions as the recipient gets an additional gift.

Buttons & twine This look is so simple and effective and can be recreated using a wide range of decorations such as twine, string, cord, wire or ribbon. It is also a great way to use up those random spare buttons which many people keep but struggle to find a use for.

Tassels & Toppers

Anything which is meaningful to the recipient works in this situation and again, this is a great way to use up random items. Tassels are easy to make from twine, string, wool or fabric. Old costume jewellery (or pieces of it) can become a decorative topper, even an unwanted keyring could be put to good use.

Ribbons & Bows

I love ribbons in sumptuous fabrics such as vintage silks, linen or velvets and tying a big bow on a parcel fills me with joy but simple raffia or jute work equally well to provide an extra finishing touch to a parcel.

Natural embellishments (sprigs of eucalyptus or rosemary)

Foraging in the garden to create a mini posy or decorative addition is another easy way to elevate your gift wrapping. Double sided tape and jute string work really well to help secure items in place and give a beautiful end result.

Start your gift wrapping creativity with some of my beautiful handmade paper, click here to browse.



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